About Us

Mosman Community Gardeners is a community group committed to working together to create a thriving network of community food gardens around Mosman to demonstrate, promote, educate and advocate environmental sustainability through growing food locally. 

Many people in Mosman either live in apartments or have shady gardens unsuitable for growing vegetables or fruit. Our mission is to help establish edible gardens close to where people live. As well as reducing food miles, encouraging healthy eating, and giving people a way of engaging in pleasant physical exercise, we believe community gardens can re-energize local neighbourhoods.  We hope you will be interested in visiting us - or better still joining us! 

MCG Mackie Lane Community Garden
In recent years, community gardening has taken off as a worldwide movement. Community gardens are being recognised as an innovative way to grow food, improve health and bring people together to foster a lively and connected community. Sydney is no exception with community gardens springing up throughout the suburbs. On Mosman's doorstep there are three successful gardens in North Sydney and community garden projects in Manly and Manly Vale. 

Our Aims
  • To grow and share fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit. Whilst the primary emphasis will be on edible plants, the companion planting of flowers will be encouraged to help pollination and to control pests.
  • To share in a process of mutual education with Mosman residents, young and old, about environmentally sustainable gardening practices and the benefits of locally grown food.
  • To encourage participation in food and companion plant gardening as an enjoyable, socially inclusive activity.
  • To foster community engagement and the benefits of mutual support.

Our Operating Model
  • MCG is responsible for two community gardens at Middle Head and Mackie Lane.
  • As new sites are found, it is expected that individual gardens will vary in size and potential. Locations will be sought on available council land, currently unused building sites, churches, schools, or privately owned land, and nature strips. Each garden will come under the jurisdiction of whichever body / organisation owns or operates the land, may be run on slightly different lines and by a different subgroup of MCG gardeners.
  • A model of community liaison and consultation will be adopted to ensure that gardens meet the approval of local neighbours. The aim is to inspire local residents to help maintain the garden and share in the harvest.
  • Responsibility for each garden is devolved to local members.  
  • Gardens will be as visually attractive as possible and seek to be sympathetic to the surrounding environment. Gardens may be enhanced by contributions from local artists, artisans and school children. 
  • Gardening practices will be as eco-friendly as possible, using rain water collection systems, recycled materials, locally produced compost, and wherever possible environmentally benign weed and pest control.
  • Plots will vary from no-dig beds, in-ground beds, and raised container beds of different heights to cater for children and people with physical disabilities.
  • Produce will be shared among those working at a particular garden. 
  • Garden sites or individual beds may be set aside for heritage food plants and for indigenous food plants.  
  • MCG will offer community education through, for example, the informal sharing of knowledge, workshops, open days and tours.
  • Funding will be provided through membership fees, sponsorship, grants and donations.
  • The network will operate within a culture of providing safe, supportive, social and inclusive places to gather.
  • To ensure the above, all gardening sites in the network will operate under the guidelines set out by MCG in conjunction with the particular requirements of the respective landowner or lessee.
Group Structure

MCG is an incorporated not-for-profit body with a management committee comprising four office bearers and a number of ordinary members. The management committee meets each month at the Mosman Council Seniors Centre. All members are welcome to attend and contribute.

Each garden will be run by a local subgroup of members supported by the MCG Inc management committee. Open days, working bees, education and information workshops and tours will be offered to all members, as well as advice on how to locate new community garden sites and grow food at home.

Benefits of Membership
  • Horticultural skill development
  • Increased awareness of the health benefits of better nutrition, light exercise and mental wellbeing
  • Improved awareness of ecological sustainability through growing local produce as organically as possible and reducing food miles
  • Reduced putrescible waste through encouraging composting
  • Opportunities for sharing a wide variety of skills and knowledge such as horticulture, botany, garden design, engineering, art, event management and fund raising
  • Increased community participation and a willingness to share - a demonstration that 'Mosman is Community'
Becoming a Member

Mosman Community Gardeners welcomes new members. You can visit us at any time our gardens are open, we will show you around and you can join in. The garden opening times are listed in the right hand column of this web page. You can join MCG in two ways as an individual memberships or family membership.  Click on the Membership tab for more information.

We hope to see you in the gardens sometime.